
Discover the keys to secure crypto ownership at Ledger.com/start. Start your journey with confidence and protect your digital assets effectively.


What is Ledger.com/start?

Ledger.com/start is the initial setup page for Ledger hardware wallets. It guides users through the process of setting up their wallet, including creating a pin, writing down the recovery seed, and installing applications to manage different cryptocurrencies.

Pros of Ledger.com/start

  • Security: Offers a highly secure way to store cryptocurrency offline, protecting it from hacking and phishing attacks.

  • User-Friendly: Provides clear, step-by-step instructions, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users.

  • Multi-Currency Support: Supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to manage multiple assets in one place.

Cons of Ledger.com/start

  • Hardware Required: Requires the purchase of a Ledger hardware wallet, which is an additional cost.

  • Technical Knowledge: Some level of technical understanding is needed, which might be challenging for absolute beginners.

  • Risk of Loss: If the recovery seed is lost or exposed, access to the cryptocurrency could be permanently lost.

Last updated